Table of Contents

Photodiode Étienne

These photodiodes were developed by Étienne in cooperation with the AEI and altered to peak at about 16.2MHz.

Schematics Used

Notable Changes Made

To achieve a peak at around 16.2MHz, components had to be changed.
Changed components:

Schematic Component Used Component
L1 6u8 6u8
C3 6p 2 x 4.7p
R2 40.2R 40.2R
Changed only for the 3rd and 4th build
U5 AD587 LT1236A-10
C19 1u none

Using The Photodiode

Measured Data

The traces of the amplitude and phase were measured.

The results:

Diode Resonance frequency [MHz] Peak to 15MHz Ratio [dB] P14R [dB] P17R [dB] P18R [dB] FWHM with Gauß-Fit [kHz] Phase #1 Comment
1 16.11 [+/- 0.015] 8.65 13.71 6.99 12.44 271.75
2 16.14 [+/- 0.01] 8.92 13.46 6.53 11.34 270.98
3 16.13 [+/- 0.01] 9.17 14.75 6.66 12.13 271.45
4 16.16 [+/- 0.01] 9.39 14.81 6.5 12.09 269.72

#1 Was bedeutet P17 etc? #2 Peak to 17MHz Ratio [Name sollte besser noch geändert werden]

FWHM [Diode 1]: 271750.86662876786Hz
FWHM [Diode 2]: 270984.2391765082Hz
FWHM [Diode 3]: 271450.8282159102Hz
FWHM [Diode 4]: 269724.22527546244Hz

Wechselwirkung (WW) EOM und PD Nr.4

Spektrometer Rhode&Schwarz RBW: 100Hz VBW: 10Hz SWT: 30s Ref: 0dBm Att: 10dB